Museum open 10 - 2 Fri, Sat, and Sun. Or contact us for appointment and tour.
Museum open 10 - 2 Fri, Sat, and Sun. Or contact us for appointment and tour.
As a not-for-profit organization, STCHS is always seeking support from the community to assure its continued presence and active promotion of historical preservation in southern Tuolumne County. While the Society is financially healthy, donations are always welcome as a way that individuals can demonstrate their interest in furthering the preservation cause. With an entirely volunteer staff, no donations to the Museum or STCHS are spent on salaries.
Many people choose to make their donation to STCHS by becoming a Member. However, additional donations are appreciated to be sure that the Society remains on a sustainable footing.
Interested persons can always make a donation by contacting STCHS at the Museum or by speaking with a Board member. For those preferring digital donations, they can do so online by accessing our Online Donation page.
As a 501(c) 3 organization, the value of all donations to STCHS is tax deductible. Consulting with legal or tax experts for such deduction is advisable.
Your support and contributions will help us continue our services to southern Tuolumne County. The PayPal link below will enable you to make your donation efficiently and quickly.
There is no need to have a PayPal account to donate. In fact, most donors will find it easiest to enter their credit card information into the donation webpage. That information is secured by PayPal.
Thank you.
Many of our supporters committed to preserving the legacy and history of southern Tuolumne County may want to explore the possibility of legacy gift to STCHS and the Groveland Museum. Such a gift will make a significant and long-term impact on achieving the goals of preserving and disseminating the unique traditions of our area and its people.
Most legacy gifts are made by bequest through a will or trust. Gifts can be in cash or in other assets (such as real estate or financial assets). Alternatively, the Museum can be named as the beneficiary of certain retirement plans. The Museum receives your gift after your lifetime and applies it to the goals of the organization or any purpose you specify.
Your distribution is fully deductible for federal estate tax purposes, and there is no limit on the deduction your estate can claim. In addition, the gift is usually exempt from state inheritance taxes.
If you choose to remember the Museum or STCHS in your bequest document, we will make every appropriate effort to recognize your generosity in keeping with the wishes of you or your family.
Estate giving requires good planning to be sure that your wishes are followed as you want. Depending on your circumstances and preferences, your bequest can take several alternate forms with different legal and tax implications. Please consult with your estate or tax attorney for final decisions.
STCHS also appreciates the generosity of those who are willing give personal or family items of historical value. Examples of such items include:
As a 501(c) 3 organization, the value of all donations to STCHS is tax deductible. Consulting with legal or tax experts for such deduction is advisable.
These personally engraved bricks are a lasting way to remember a birthday, anniversary, a special occasion, or a loved one, while showing support for the ongoing programs of STCHS and the Museum. They are set in the Memorial Patio to the right of Museum entrance.
The amount per brick is $150.
Anyone wishing to sponsor a commemorative brink should contact the Museum by e-mail at The inscription is up to 3 lines of 20 characters (upper and lower case, spaces included).
Brick Purchase Form
Alternatively, brick sponsors can download a PDF form to specify exactly the inscription on the brick (names, message). Complete and return to the Museum. Purchasers can pay by check payable to STCHS or by credit card. For card, please include number, name, address, expiration date, and 3 digit CVV.