Museum open 10 - 2 Fri, Sat, and Sun. Or contact us for appointment and tour.
Museum open 10 - 2 Fri, Sat, and Sun. Or contact us for appointment and tour.
The Museum also displays interesting objects and exhibits outside the Museum building. Visitors to Groveland need not enter the Museum but can still learn a little of area history outdoors.
Near the parking lot is an old gold mining device used to grind gold ore into usable form. Using traditional technology from Mexico but adapted to local conditions, the device is called an “arrastra.”
Immediately to the right of the Museum entrance is a gold “ore car” showing the transport of gold-bearing rock from the mine to the mill. This Truax car was used to carry ore from the Tough-Nut mine to the Longfellow mill in Big Oak Flat.
Along the walkway to the Museum from the car park is an exhibit of typical minerals from the local area with labels to clearly identify them. In addition, a large sample rock of "mariposite," a unique local mineral, is next to the entrance.
The Pelton Overshot Waterwheel provided electric power for mining starting in the 1870s. This wheel has 40 "cups" to capture flowing water turning the wheel. It was used to provide lighting at the Harden Flat Resort through the 1940s.